Friday, August 7, 2009

After spending several days trying to get Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 working properly on a HP laptop, I (reluctantly) tried Sun's VirtualBox. Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 was pretty much unusable. The mouse in the guest OS would not move fluidly. Each action was pretty slow. I disabled SpeedStep, enabled background threads, tried to optimize the guest OS, turn off everything on the host OS, but nothing worked. To my amazement, Sun's VirtualBox just worked they way I expected and experienced Microsoft's product on a desktop. Now, I am still a fan of VMWare's products, but sometimes a free alternative suffices. Sun's product also has builtin support for guest additions on many different OS's without searching for them. My only beef (and a small one) with VirtualBox is that you can't paste into the guest OS without installing the guest additions.


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